
Licensed & Insured Bluestone Contractors

J.C. Aguinada Construction performs a wide range of expert masonry services, including dependable bluestone projects. Bluestone is a commercial name for a variety of different dimensions or building stone types and can make a great addition to any home's living qualities. By using bluestone for any type of installation, you can add a touch of elegance or style to your home. And no matter what type of project you are looking to start with this material, we will work closely with you in the design process to ensure that your ultimate vision is achieved. We will also help you with the budgeting of the project.

What Is Bluestone?

A bluestone patio looks great, but what exactly is bluestone? The term "bluestone" comes from a deep-blue-colored sandstone that was first found in Ulster County, New York. However, bluestone is a material that can be found across the United States. The best known variety is a feldspathic sandstone, which is produced in quarries in Pennsylvania and New York. And being that Long Island is in New York, this is typically the type of bluestone found in the region.

Long Island Bluestone Services

J.C. Aguinada has over 30 years of experience providing clients across Long Island with dependable bluestone installations. We can help transform your home or backyard into a more stylish establishment. If you are interested in our contracting services for your home and would like a free estimate or consultation, please contact us today. The number is call is 516-903-0725. We will gladly answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding bluestone and how it can be used at your home. We are located in Deer Park and serve clients in Nassau and Suffolk County.

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